You can purchase auto insurance in person, online, and even over the phone these days! But, given that you’ll need to maintain an auto insurance plan for as long as you plan to own your vehicle, it’s important that you do your research and pick the best plan. Here’s how to buy auto insurance.
Gather vehicle and driver-related information: To get a premium quote from a car insurance company, you will have to provide them certain details about your vehicle and yourself, like the VIN, your driver’s license number, your name and date of birth, the address where the car has been registered, etc. Get all these details ready so you don’t have to worry about them when starting the application process.
Decide between purchasing insurance directly or through a third party: You can purchase auto insurance directly or through an agent. If you have complex coverage needs, going through an independent agent might be the better option.
Be aware of the auto insurance laws in your state: All states require car drivers to carry at least a minimum amount of coverage. Understand what the minimum requirements are in your state and make sure you have at least that much coverage. However, we recommend you opt for additional coverage so you won’t have to face financial hassles in case of any untoward incident.
Compare prices: Various insurance companies charge different premiums because they calculate the risk they will be taking on differently. This makes it important that you compare premium quotes offered by several companies (or three, at the very least). Getting a premium quote is quite easy, and you can request them directly through the insurance company’s website.
Look for discounts: Insurance companies may offer a range of discounts to appeal to different customers. For instance, homeowners will usually get a discount if they bundle their home insurance and car insurance plans. People with a clean driving record may also be eligible to get a discount. It’s important that you check whether you may be eligible to get any discounts from the insurance provider.